octobre 18, 2023

Stakeholder training workshop

The FF-IPM stakeholder training workshop on ID Keys was successfully held in person on October 12, 2023, in Nafplio, Greece. The event was organized by the […]
octobre 18, 2023


The 2nd FF-IPM stakeholders workshop in Africa “Methods and strategies for prevention of fruit fly invasion and expansion” was successfully held on August 22, 2023 in Mbombela, […]
octobre 4, 2023

Informative TV Spot Airing Now!

Οur informative TV spot, focusing on the FruitFlies-IPM Project – EU and its mission to combat the fruit fly problem, is currently being broadcasted on Greek […]
septembre 22, 2023

Effect of thermal acclimation on the tolerance of the peach fruit fly (Bactrocera zonata: Tephritidae) to heat and cold stress

 In this study, the FF-IPM team explored the effect of thermal acclimation on cold and heat tolerance of the invasive, polyphagous pest, peach fruit fly (Bactrocera zonata),
septembre 21, 2023

Night at the Museum

An interesting event took place on Saturday, July 22, 2023, at the Bohard Museum of Entomology in the University of California, Davis.
septembre 18, 2023

10th International Congress of Dipterology (ICDX)

The 10th International Congress of Dipterology (ICDX) was held on July 16-21, 2023, in Reno, Nevada, USA.
août 4, 2023

Interview of Pablo Deschepper and Sam Vanbergen the leading authors of the paper « Bactrocera dorsalis in the Indian Ocean: a tale of two invasions.

Interviewing FF-IPM Publications Authors Pablo Deschepper and Sam Vanbergen Check out the video focusing on the publication with title: “Bactrocera dorsalis in the Indian Ocean: A […]
août 4, 2023

Tethered-flight performance of thermally-acclimated pest fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) suggests that heat waves may promote the spread of Bactrocera species

Authors: Kevin Malod, Eleftheria-Maria D. Bali, Corentin Gledel, Laura Moquet, Anandi Bierman, Evmorfia Bataka, Christopher W. Weldon, Minette Karsten, Hélène Delatte, Nikos T. Papadopoulos, John S. […]
août 4, 2023

A fruit fly unsettles the trade relations between African and European countries

A newly submitted master’s thesis of Alberte Maimburg explores the effect of fruit flies on trade relationships between African countries and Europe.